You can indeed eliminate bedbugs using conventional treatments. However, it requires skill, precision, and expertise to get it done right. If you work with a lower-quality exterminator, there is a risk that you’re going to experience severe consequences. Our technicians how to deal with bedbug infestations using pesticides, and we’re going to do it safely. Our company relies on the recent study carried out at Purdue University. The study found that bedbugs could be eliminated using conventional treatments but several visits were needed.
The study found that the exterminator would need to visit the dwelling at least twice. Plus, we have to wait several weeks in-between visits to guarantee the infestation is properly dealt with. To ensure your satisfaction, we’re going to visit your home three times. We’ll follow the protocols listed below.
- Our technicians will visit your home at least three times
- The dwelling will be inspected and treated for bedbugs during the first visit
- During the follow-up visit, the technician will treat and inspect the home for bedbugs
- Finally, our technician will visit the home a third time to inspect the dwelling for bedbugs
- We wait up to 14 days between visits to ensure any bedbug eggs have had time to hatch
When you work with us, you can sleep soundly knowing we’re going to use pesticides designed for the treatment of bedbugs. We’ll take steps to keep the client safe throughout the treatment process. When you’re ready to start, call us and we’ll begin working to solve the problem.
If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.